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Blog Archive

48Index of Articles in Journals Focused on Pentecostal Studies5. 6. 2020Technology522290
47Pneumatic Interpretation in the Renewal Tradition: The First 50 Years (book review)3. 9. 2019Books2760285
46Pneumatic Hermeneutics: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Theological Interpretation of Scripture (book review)22. 8. 2019Books2655683
45The Fall of Pentecostal Premillennialism (teaching notes)29. 7. 2019Theology115347
44The Christocentric Experience of Pentecostal Eschatology (paper draft)19. 6. 2019Theology253318
43The motivation behind Archer’s hermeneutical project26. 11. 2018Bible1691254
42How do Craig Keener and Kenneth Archer differ in their approach to biblical interpretation?23. 11. 2018Bible1862767
41Three’s a Crowd: Pentecostalism, Hermeneutics, and the Old Testament (book review)23. 10. 2018Books4033268
40An Exhaustive Bibliography of Pentecostal Hermeneutics (draft)23. 10. 2018Theology216342
39Types of Pentecostal Theology: Method, System, Spirit (book review)5. 9. 2018Books4596524
38Spirit-Word-Community: Theological Hermeneutics in Trinitarian Perspective (book review)3. 9. 2018Books4406280
37A Pentecostal Hermeneutic: Spirit, Scripture and Community (book review)19. 8. 2018Books1684444
36I was at the 10th Glopent conference19. 3. 2018Theology408155
35Crosshound was born: Receive newly indexed Crossref items to your feed reader20. 2. 2018Technology54479
34Spirit Hermeneutics: Reading Scripture in Light of Pentecost (book review)8. 12. 2017Books2330480
33Flat Earth Frenzy30. 8. 2017Humor209338
32Find my masters thesis on Academia.edu14. 6. 2017Bible327359
31Some preliminary musings on my future doctoral studies6. 6. 2017Musings1413280
30My thesis is finished, I’m back from the dead5. 4. 2017Bible5741,076
29More Than a Half Way Through21. 8. 2016Musings826388
28My Paper on the Exodus and Conquest9. 8. 2016Bible3811,114
27My Paper on Historical Criticism1. 8. 2016Bible659442
26My Paper on the Logic of 1 Corinthians 11:2-1628. 7. 2016Bible753595
25Hilastērion and Faith in Romans 3:21-2623. 3. 2016Bible1317971
24Two Of My Recent Papers on Academia.edu17. 2. 2016Theology406499
23It’s exactly when22. 1. 2016Poetry102801
22Backgrounds, Exegesis and Theology in a Hermeneutical Framework?15. 10. 2015Theology6565,050
21Give up on Logos Bible Software2. 10. 2015Technology6681,527
20The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch (book review)12. 9. 2015Books1134879
19Evangelical Faith and the Challenge of Historical Criticism (book review)27. 8. 2015Books13871,390
18There Are Seven Reasons For Joy in Luke-Acts6. 7. 2015Theology15912,530
17Breath and shape and clay25. 5. 2015Poetry114441
16A skeptical musing1. 3. 2015Poetry52494
15Something that Missionaries Could Learn From Cyril and Methodius29. 1. 2015Theology1012743
14Who is the Paraclete of the Fourth Gospel?19. 1. 2015Theology8311,736
13Where to find the book that you want so badly?11. 1. 2015Technology13153,431
12Ad Fontes!4. 1. 2015Musings696677
11The Significance of the Incarnation: A Christmas Card from Karl Barth24. 12. 2014Theology7022,323
10More than you have known22. 12. 2014Poetry64464
9Cloud of witnesses20. 10. 2012Theology13172,142
8Muslims, Christians and Jesus7. 2. 2012Books21931,946
7Jesus Christ Our Lord1. 2. 2012Books106093,531
6Jesus the Messiah: a survey of the life of Christ21. 11. 2011Books81204,458
5The person and work of Christ according to the book of Hebrews15. 6. 2011Theology28134,139
4Hebrews by Donald A. Hagner9. 6. 2011Books58863,084
3My God is smiling at me!7. 5. 2011Books10601,990
2The letter of Paul to the Romans: an introduction and commentary4. 11. 2010Books57772,099
1The Relevant Church12. 2. 2010Books69441,759