🚩 English
# | Name | Date | Category | Words | Views |
9 | Spirit Hermeneutics: Reading Scripture in Light of Pentecost (book review) | 8. 12. 2017 | Books | 2330 | 488 |
8 | Cloud of witnesses | 20. 10. 2012 | Theology | 1317 | 2,146 |
7 | Muslims, Christians and Jesus | 7. 2. 2012 | Books | 2193 | 1,948 |
6 | Jesus Christ Our Lord | 1. 2. 2012 | Books | 10609 | 3,538 |
5 | The person and work of Christ according to the book of Hebrews | 15. 6. 2011 | Theology | 2813 | 4,161 |
4 | Hebrews by Donald A. Hagner | 9. 6. 2011 | Books | 5886 | 3,088 |
3 | My God is smiling at me! | 7. 5. 2011 | Books | 1060 | 1,991 |
2 | The letter of Paul to the Romans: an introduction and commentary | 4. 11. 2010 | Books | 5777 | 2,103 |
1 | The Relevant Church | 12. 2. 2010 | Books | 6944 | 1,759 |