Muslims, Christians and Jesus

Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships

Muslims, Christians and Jesus by Carl Medearis.

This book isn't just another missionary's han­dbook, neither is it an exhaustive compendium nor an ultimate recipe to bring people of “wrong religion” into that “correct one”. Rather than attempting to write such things, Carl Medearis decided to depict the very position of Muslims on their journey towards God and suggest relevant ideas and (non-)methods for reaching them on heart level.

While reading this book, you'll find your views on Islam stuff changed and your desire to meet some Muslim growing.

Jesus the Messiah: a survey of the life of Christ

Jesus the Messiah by Robert H. Stein.

Robert Stein provided survey of the life of Christ, which is understandable and yet unabridged. In very sharp bird's eye view he confronts strongest positions of bible criticism, balancing between their errors and bringing very adequate, exact and unembroidered answers.

I can recommend this book with enthusiasm due to Stein's zeal and sense for the reality and the truth.

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Hebrews by Donald A. Hagner

Commentary on Hebrews from New International Biblical Commentary series by Donald A. Hagner.
(New international biblical commentary: Hebrews)

The commentary on the epistle to Hebrews by Donald A. Hagner is making it's path to the Hall of Fame by it's quality, exhaustiveness and by comprehensibility to the modern reader. By reading this book, I brought both duty and pleasure together, for it is CRA in Global University “BIB2033A – Study in the Book of Hebrews” course.

The letter of Paul to the Romans: an introduction and commentary

(The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Romans)

Cover of the book.

Even in this hard times of heavy work load, I have spared some time to the pleasure and enrichment of reading this biblical commentary. It is going to be one of the most important resource to my final paper.

Jesus Christ Our Lord

Jesus Christ Our Lord by John F. Walvoord.

Since I don't have as much time to study while working on our precious Bible school as I used to have as its student, my ability to absorb such an extensive masterpiece on christology and related topics by John F. Walvoord dramatically decreased. I'm done with that, though.
In his christological discourse, Walvoord didn't miss a spot. His sense for doctrinal discrepancies along with his perfectionism made this book superb source of theological knowledge on Jesus Christ Our Lord.

The person and work of Christ according to the book of Hebrews

(Discussing the contribution of the book of Hebrews to our understanding of the person and work of Christ in the New Testament.)

I am sharing my Collateral Reading Assignment of Global University course BIB2033 – A Study in the Book of Hebrews. It is naturally based on dr. Hangers commentary, which I have processed below.

My God is smiling at me!

Jael Puusaag's book called My God is smiling at me! cover.

I believe, God gave me these poems so that I would tell others about God's great love for us. He has taught me, that even during the most painful and difficult days He loves me so much that He smiles to me! His love is unconditional and endless, I can always find a hiding place in His arms. And this is true for you too! So whatever happens in your life, remember,
He loves you so much that He smiles at you!
Jael Puusaag on the book's cover

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The Relevant Church

Obal knihy The Relevant Church Sympatický pár misionářů – Karyn a Tim Manovi – vyučoval v zimním semestru školního roku 2009/2010 na biblické škole misiologii. Jejich myšlenky byly neortodoxní, jejich charisma bylo silné. Karyn uznala za vhodné zaslat mi knihu The Relevant Church – sbírku patnácti úvah o smyslu církve. Rozhodl jsem se, že si dám tu práci a vytvořím abstrakt.

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