
An Exhaustive Bibliography of Pentecostal Hermeneutics (draft)

On Friday I've published a draft of my exhaustive bibliography of Pentecostal hermeneutics on Academia. It is intended as an exercise in the early stage of my preliminary research on the intersection between Pentecostal theology and biblical interpretation. It’s a working draft and it should grow not only in length, but also in focus and quality.

  1. I’m open to any suggestions regarding content, format and aim of this bibliography. Please contact me via Academia or by e-mail (michael@buban.cz) even if it’s just your impression or a small typo. All feedback is welcome. I've actually already added some new updates and I expect to add some more in the weeks to come.
  2. I’ve decided to include all items from the concise bibliography in Martin, Lee Roy, ed. Pentecostal Hermeneutics: A Reader. Leiden: Brill, 2013. My bibliography is obviously dramatically revised and expanded 😎.
  3. Highlighted items represent my wishlist. ❤ Non-highlighted items are within my reach. Should you know how to get me my “unreached items” on-line under some reasonable circumstances, please do tell me. In exchange I can help you get your desired materials.
  4. Should you need to adopt and edit this bibliography yourself, please help yourself at https://www.zotero.org/…Key/5W5B5DQJ or send me a message (see #1).

See and download the bibliography here: